Saturday, June 15, 2019

Les Fleurs - deux

So many flowers in Louisiana.

I captured these while sitting in Traffic on E. Broussard waiting to turn on Kaliste Saloom. Some of you will no doubt recognize the bridge. (The construction had us sitting for a long time)

Un bois rose (Crape myrtle)


Louisiana, being the tropical environment that it is, has more than it's share of insects. As I get cool shots I won't be able to help myself but to keep adding them to my blog. Where I can I'll try to include the name in English and French.

It took me several shots using a manual focus to get this shot. While I'm not a spider person, I personally think this is a beautiful spider.
We have these little tiny spiders around most of the trees in the back yard. I couldn't see what was in the web with it because of my not so great eye sight and the sun light. I took 1 photo and hoped I had it and moved on. Later looking at it on the computer I realized how lucky I got with that one shot.

Cigale du bois (cicada)
I went back two days later and this little fella was still there. I took several shots of it rebuilding it's web. 


There is so much more to the Crawfish industry in Louisiana. There are a number of little things that we just accept as a part of the life around here that folks in other parts of the country likely find out of the ordinary. Everything from the traps to the custom made boats is special. Personally I take pleasure in just seeing the Crawfish ponds everywhere and there's something relaxing about watching other people work (smile). In all seriousness, it's very scenic watching the Crawfishermen out there getting it done.

(Les écrevisses de la Louisiane)

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Macro Photo's

Lantana flower bud

Leaves from Mimosa tree

Crepe Myrtle seed pod

Bayou's and Ponds

I love taking water photo's. I'm no professional, but I know beautiful and interesting when I see it. These were taken all over Acadiana.

Le vivier (Pond)

Herbe du bayou

Low Resolution, but a beautiful shot none the less. From the early days of digital photography.

Les Boscoyo (Cypress knees)

Storm Clouds

There's something about the majesty and power of a storm. Capturing the storm clouds is something I think every person with a phone or camera attempts to do. I'm no different. Enjoy.